Eliminate The Use of Synthetic Chemicals and Fertilizers
The main objectives of Plantscapes organic lawn care programs are to eliminate the use of synthetic chemicals and fertilizers while not having to sacrifice the quality of your lawn. Long-term effects of pesticides and what is sometimes called “cosmetic pesticide use” can cause chemical sensitivities, allergies, respiratory problems, reproduction problems, liver and kidney issues and cancer in pets and humans.
Our organic lawn care program produces better results that you typical conventional program utilizing a much more creative and caring approach as well as using only the finest organic lawn care products.
Each and every Fairfield, Westport or any Connecticut town,property we visit is different so we will analyze the current conditions and issues and then tailor a program specific to your property.
Our applicators have all be trained and certified by NOFA as organic land care professionals. This is not your typical 5 step lawn care program where your entire lawn is treated with synthetic herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers. The organic lawn care programs include such services as: